Last time I wrote about the positive benefits of ‘Opening Up’ to our feelings, embracing them and allowing them to process. A common feeling for us all right now, is that we are living in a time of great change. Much is happening right across the globe and much is changing. Many countries including the U.K. are facing a reintroduction of lockdown constraints and the many changes they bring to our daily routines. Work schedules, social events and family visits to name a few, have become more restricted. On a national scale, the U.K. is leaving the E.U, the U.S. is changing their President, and the climate change debate continues.
For many people change brings uncertainty, a nervousness and fear of the unknown. Of course not all change necessarily brings us stress. Welcome change, such as holidays bring a change of scene, a chance to unwind, relax and enjoy ourselves. This year, in the UK we have been enjoying beautiful changing autumn colours as the leaves on trees produce natural pictures in their transition from summer to winter. Finding love, mankind’s greatest goal, is much more likely to be an easier and welcome change.
As great change sweeps the globe, fanned by the current covid pandemic, how do you deal with any change in your life and uncertainty? Does the prospect of new beginnings excite you? Or fill you with nervousness at facing the unknown?
Heraclitus, the Greek philosopher has been quoted as saying ‘Change is the only constant, in life’. A profound statement and a sobering thought. So in fact there is nothing new about humanity coping with change. However, that doesn’t mean that change does not still challenge us when presented with it, especially if we are comfortable with the status quo!
Here are my top tips to coping with change more easily:
* Accept that we cannot avoid change
* Realise that to worry about change will bring on stress
* Remember everyone else is dealing with change too
* Remind yourself that Life will go on regardless
* Don’t dwell on what has been. It only holds us back from enjoying the moment.
* Get really clear on your goals and desires. The clearer you become the better you will cope with change along the way
* Believe, believe, and believe, all good things can happen for you. Even and especially when you feel trapped in a sticky situation.
* See the power of change as a positive thing to embrace. An opportunity for better living. Even dare to get excited! Think of the enthusiastic child. A child will delight in exploring the new because it’s fun, exciting and progressive.
Now isn’t that a welcome change of thought, right now?!
Through-out all of this though if you are still struggling then why not arrange an appointment, our main goal is for you to enjoy the change happening in your life right now and trust all will turn out well!