Last time I wrote, I explained my take on the spiritual aspect of our lives. We have a body, we have a mind and we have a spirit, commonly referred to as Mind, Body and Spirit. We know that to maintain a healthy body, we need to look after our diet, exercise and rest to get the best results for ourselves. However, we also need to maintain a healthy mind which in turn affects our spiritual existence too.
A healthy diet, exercise and quality rest (including sleep) will all contribute to a healthy mind. After all, a healthy mind is one which thinks positively, is unstressed and can remain focused on achieving. A healthy mind copes well with life’s unexpected challenges yet, in reality, unless we learn tools and techniques to deal with outside stressful situations, it is nigh on impossible to maintain a healthy mind for any length of time.
I help clients understand how to use mental health techniques so that they can have the best possible human experience. Now you may well ask, what are these tools and techniques that help maintain a healthy mind? In fact there are many but to summarise; anything that removes negative thoughts, stress, fear, low mood or even depression. This allows the human spirit to live freely, creatively and happily. Different individuals respond to different techniques, so my remit is to help identify which technique is best suited to their issue in that moment. It may be conversational therapy; the Byron Katie’s Turnaround exercise or sometimes hypnosis.
Another effective way, to keep our mental health in the best possible condition, is to use the attachment and aversions exercise which strips out negative thought. However one of the best ones is to teach E.F.T. more commonly known as Tapping. In her book “Discover the Power of Tapping” published 2008; Dr Patricia Carrington describes Tapping as the new medicine:
“The potential of using meridian tapping for spiritual purposes, for the deepening of human values and the fostering of a cooperative and peaceful world, is enormous.”
Practised effectively, the Tapping technique is easy to apply and has instant and brilliant results to relax the mind with any issue.
Here is a useful formula to help explain how the human mind works. Thoughts = Emotions = Actions = Results. In other words our thoughts will influence how we feel which dictates our actions (physically and verbally) which brings us the outcomes we get.
So…put quite simply, if we can change or control our thoughts; of which we can have up to around 65,000 a day; this will positively impact on how we feel, act and get. By keeping this as our goal, we can manage our lives more rewardingly and enjoyably.