How to get through the cost of living crisis…..

With all the media speculation of inflationary pressures, rising costs of energy, fuel and food it can be difficult to avoid the doom and gloom. Doom and gloom? Or economic reality, I hear you ask?

So how concerned should we be? Do you worry about inevitable hard times ahead OR take a more optimistic view that things may not turn out to be as bad as they first seem? Perhaps you take a more removed view that to think negatively (however bad the outlook is portrayed by some) and worry, is to attract the worst hardship for yourself; therefore better to imagine things will turn out fine and that you will weather the storm by thinking ‘positively’?

Here is my take: we will all approach the current situation differently and some days it is easier to maintain our optimism than others. Such is life, this is our human reality, this is quite normal. While we cannot change the National or International economic changes (well sometimes we can but that’s for another article!) we can change how we feel about our individual situation. Yes, that’s despite all media analysis.

Those of you who follow Astrology will know that we have entered the Aquarian era and are leaving the Piscean one behind. The Aquarian era allows us to create our outcomes, our own financial fortunes, much more easily. We are not necessarily talking about winning the lottery here but rather a new ability to seek solutions, learn new strategies for success and gain new results.

It begins with believing that every desired outcome is possible. This leads us to feel more optimistic, be back in control and that we have options. As a result, we feel happier, more upbeat with a renewed desire to do things differently. Now we can set goals, have a strategy and let the Universe do the rest. In other words, manifest our desires.

Optimists have been doing this successfully for centuries. The majority of us thought they were just lucky; that we couldn’t achieve this for ourselves. The new Aquarian age is making it all the more accessible for everyone.

Will you be one of them? It doesn’t mean we deny the wider realities. However it does mean we create new thought patterns to be able to deal with the changing economic landscape. We can change our thought patterns by adopting mental exercises to create a new mindset. This always has positive outcomes. The more we commit to change, the more we can achieve and all despite the medias obsession to predict doom and gloom. They believe they are helping us by blaming everyone else but themselves for the rising fear for our futures. They don’t bring solutions; they only bring the problems for us to listen to and read.  That is if we choose to?

Away from the economics and cost of living crisis, how many of us live focusing on a problem yet to be realised? Would we refuse to get into a car because it could crash and kill us? Would we warn our children they could die of a fatal disease at school today or be run over by a bus? Would we remind our elderly loved ones that as their last few days approach, they could die in agony or feel abandoned because of an energy power outage?

No of course not. While the worst case scenario is in theory a possibility, it is statistically highly unlikely hence few would ever think that way because to think about is to bring about.

So if we wish to feel fed, warm and relatively worry free about our ability to pay the bills it is a good start to concentrate all thoughts and efforts away from that. Help is always on hand at Wellness Mentoring to learn effective, proven mind techniques to feel positive and not fearful.

We will feel better as a result, we free up energy and time to focus on the results we can create, rather than the fears we are fed by others. Ask anyone who has mastered this new way of thinking – it only works!

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